Backcountry Adventures

The history of our company began in the backcountry.


A seven day tour through the beautiful coastal rainforest of BC. This iconic trail is a bucket list item for most hikers. On the seven day tour we are able to take our time and really savour the experience of the trail.

3 spaces available $1600/person + GST and PST

Check back for other offerings in and around Vancouver Island.

Contact us for more information or to book

Experienced guides who can show you the way.

With a focus on hiking and interpretive tours, our team of guides can bring your ideas to life.

We offer the opportunity to build your custom adventure with you, and guide you in the field come trip time to curate a one-of-a-kind experience.

Our guides are Professional Level Hiking Guides through the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides, certified Wilderness First Responders and members of the Interpretive Guides Association.

Learn more about who we are.